At the time of writing, there are 69 days, 18 hours, 17min and 47 seconds to go until our ski season begins, at 8am on Nov 17 at
Naeba ski resort. The reason why I can say this with such precision is that I have just added a countdown script into the news section of our
home pageWeather permitting, on this first day we'll be treated to a 300m run and a 150m run on man-made snow - although on some years there is a covering of natural snow over this base. Whilst this
isn't ideal, its always a great feeling to get the gear back on and get strapped in & clicked onto boards and skis. The first day always feels like a bit of a fashion show - lots of people trying out new gear that they have bought for the season. Its also the little details that I love, such as once again hearing the familiar dulcet tones of the announcements telling you to raise the chairlift safety bar before you get off.
The first day always has a little bit of spice. Having boarders and skiers on the same slope always gives potential for some fun,
especially when its generally experienced boarders & skiers who sometimes try popping the moves that they last tried 6 months ago.
So whilst the first day never provides the best snow of the season, its just great to get back on the slopes, in the knowledge that the conditions are going to get better and better....